At Boutibooks, we specialize in providing instant access to digital eBooks. As a result, we do not offer physical shipping. Instead, all eBook purchases are delivered directly to your email immediately after payment, allowing you to download and enjoy your book without any delay.

How It Works:

Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive an email containing a download link for your eBook.
This email is sent instantly, and you should receive it within minutes of completing your purchase.
The eBook can be downloaded in multiple formats (ePub, PDF) for easy access on your preferred device.
Delivery Time:

All eBooks are delivered instantly via email upon successful payment. If you do not receive your email within 10 minutes, please check your spam or junk folder.
If there’s still no sign of the email, contact us at, and we’ll resolve the issue promptly.
No Physical Shipping:
Since all our products are digital, there are no shipping fees, and you don’t have to wait for physical delivery. All purchases are accessible immediately online.

Refund Policy for eBooks:
Due to the digital nature of our products, we do not offer refunds after the eBook has been delivered. However, if you encounter any issues, such as receiving the wrong title or file problems, please contact us, and we’ll make it right.

Contact Us:
If you have any questions regarding your eBook delivery, feel free to reach out to us at